From Here…………………………………
.........................Back to Here?
I heard a great interview yesterday about Netiquette with
Daniel Post (descendent of the famous Emily Post). He stressed a couple of
critical points: 1) That etiquette is really
about the relationship(s) it serves, which should be the guiding force
behind the choices we make (useful since it can be hard to make hard and fast rules
about whether phones should or should not be used in certain contexts) 2) That all generations have something to learn from the others about
appropriate use of technology: Millennials can benefit from Boomers’
awareness of tradition and greater life experience, but Boomers can also learn
from Millennials some of the ways in which people value and use their time
differently, which suggests different communication choices (including a strong
preference for texts over voicemails and always sending a text with directions
when possible). This is useful, since it's easy to praise technology for all its done for us or bemoan how bad social interaction has gotten without learning much.
During the interview, Daniel made commented on the
now-frequent occurrence of people, in a social or business gathering, all
simultaneously using their hand-held devices. He said that it reminds him of
the stage in child development where children engage in parallel play. Parallel
play is the point in development where kids play next to each other, and tend
to be interested in what the other is doing without actually interacting. He was
in favor of the use of technology in fostering relationships but noted that,
while parallel play is good, there is a sophistication involved in interactive
play that should not be lost.
It’s worth noting that we adults have gotten to that
sophisticated level. So when we “opt out” of interactive play in favor of
parallel activities, we’re regressing. Which isn’t always a bad thing….but it’s
good to be aware of what we’re doing, and what relationships we’re serving in
the process. Do we actually want to be parallel playing when we could be playing interactively? Or are we just slaves to technology?